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Пантомимы для доу

Первая сцена

Девочка, мальчик и мама в детской комнате

Девочка: Good morning!

My name is … .

I am 6.

Мальчик: Good morning!

My name is … .

I am 7.

Девочка: He is my brother.

Мальчик: And she is my sister.

Девочка: We have many toys.

They are big and small, old and new.

Мальчик: I have a hare,

I have a bear.

My toys are here,

My toys are there.

Девочка: I have a mouse,

I have a fox,

I have a squirrel,

I have birds.

Мальчик: And I am playing now.

Девочка: I like all of them. And my favourite toy is Winnie-the-Pooh. But today Winnie is sad. Mommy, help me please!

Мама: Let’s give a special party for Winnie-the-Pooh. (подумав немного) And let’s invite his friends.

Дети: (радостно) Party! When?

Мама: Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Дети: That's great! Hurray! Hurray!

Девочка (берет птицу) : Please be my messenger: tell everyone about our party.
Вторая сцена

Птица и Винни Пух в лесу

Птица: Hello Winnie! How are you?

Винни Пух: (с небольшой грустью) Hi Bird! I am OK.

Птица: Our family is going to give a party for you. I’m their messenger.

Винни Пух: (с удивлением) A party for me?

(с недоверием) Really? When?

Птица: Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Винни Пух: (радостно) What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!
Третья сцена

Птица и мышки в лесу

Птица: Hello mice!

Мышки: (весело) Hello Bird! Hello! Any news?

Птица: Our family is going to give a party for Winnie-the-Pooh. I’m their messenger. Please, come to the party tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Мышки: We do! We do! We like parties most of all in our live!

(мечтательно) Party… (радостно) It sounds so nice!

Мышки танцуют «Польку»
Четвертая сцена

Птица, заяц и белка в лесу

Белка: I can dance, I can sing!

Заяц: I can do almost everything!

Белка: Can you dance?

Can you sing?

Заяц: Yes, I can do everything!

Белка: Let's dance!

Let's sing!

Заяц: Here's a bell.

Белка: Let's ring!

Птица: Hello Hare! Hello Squirrel!

Заяц: Hello Bird!

Белка: Hello Bird!

Птица: Please, come to the party tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Белка и Заяц: (радостно) Party! What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!
Пятая сцена

Птица и лиса в лесу

Лиса: Two little eyes to look around,

Two little ears to hear each sound;

One little nose to smell what’s sweet,

One little mouth that likes to eat. (задумчиво смотрит в сторону)

Птица: Hello Fox!

Лиса: Oh, Bird! Hi! Any news?

Птица: Yes. Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Лиса: What?

Птица: Ah… Our family is going to give a party for Winnie-the-Pooh. Please, come.

Лиса: Thank you, thank you very much for this nice news!
Шестая сцена

Все на лесной полянке

Мальчик: Hello, dear friends!

Девочка: We are glad to see you!

Все: We are glad to see you too!

Белка: Let’s dance and play.

Let’s have a lot of fun today!

Песня-танец “Clap your hand together”

Мама: And now let’s enjoy our party meal!

Винни Пух: Give me, please, a biscuit and a sweet pie.

Мама: Here you are!

Винни Пух: Thank you, thank you very much!

Девочка: Little mice, little mice,

Would you like a piece of ice?

Мышки: No, no! We would like a piece of cheese!

Девочка: Ok, then say “please”!

Мышки: Please! Please! Please! Thanks!

(Заяц, Лиса и Белка играют в считалочку)

Заяц: One, two, three, let me see.

Who likes coffee and who likes tea?

Лиса: One, two, three, now I see.

I like coffee and you like tea. (смеются)

Заяц: I would like a carrot, a cabbage and some juice.

Thank you!

Белка: I prefer an apple, nuts and mushrooms.

Thank you very much!

Лиса: Give me, please, a piece of cake and a glass of milk.

Песня-танец “If you are happy”
Седьмая сцена

Все на лесной полянке

Девочка: This is a party for Winnie-the-Pooh, the best bear in all the world! We’ve a present for you.

Винни Пух: Present for me! It’s so nice! (открывает подарок, а там - карандаши)

Лиса: There are pencils with a letter “B”.

Мальчик: The letter “B” is for “bear”, the best bear in all the world!

Винни Пух: Thank you! I like to draw very much! I’m so happy!

My dear friends, I have small gifts for you.

My favourite food is honey.

I want to share it with you.(угощает друзей медом)

Все: Oh, you so kind. Thank you!

Мышки: What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!

Песня-танец “Goodbye song”

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